What The Law of Attraction Is Not

June 26, 2011

By Michael Griffin

I keep reading bad information about the law of attraction in forums. The writers talk about holding wishful magical thoughts and then sitting back and waiting for magic to happen. So they claim this is a fraud, that magic doesn’t happen this way. I would agree that simple wishful thinking this way is a fraud but it is not the law of attraction.

The law of attraction calls on you to visualize your result, draw ideas about achieving it from the visualization, and to act on those ideas, and finally to repeat the loop daily. This is far from just thinking happy magical thoughts of things. I think if you consider this that it is actually a solid plan for achievement in any area.

These writers seem to have missed a key point about the law of attraction and the Science of Getting Rich, action is required. This is very clearly stated in the movie “The Secret” and in the book The Science of Getting Rich.

One of my favorite quotes from The Science of Getting Rich is: “By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it.”

By action you receive it, that means doing something not sitting home and thinking happy thoughts. The happy thoughts and the thinking about it using visualization are done to trigger ideas about the action that you need to take to bring the desired result to you.

This process has been used by Denis Waitley to train Olympic athletes, this is something he wrote about in his best seller “The psychology of Winning.” Waitley describes the process even though the term “law of attraction” wasn’t in vogue when he wrote the book, still he has all of the steps.

The same is true of the book “The Science of Getting Rich.” This book is a treatise on the law of attraction even though the term is not used even once in the entire book. Still the steps are clearly laid out as the loop that was mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Many deride the law of attraction after never having understood it. They grab onto the idea of happy thoughts and wishful thinking and correctly realize that doing just this doesn’t work. However they have failed to see the complete process of the law of attraction, that you spin ideas off of the visualization, then you act on the ideas. Action, action, action is very clearly called for by all responsible teachers of the law.

Do the steps and repeat daily and soon results will follow. This is the law of attraction.

The Science of Getting Rich is the best source of information about the law of attraction. Get an audiobook download of The Science of Getting Rich at http://www.TheRealMikeGriffin.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Griffin



How To Use The Law of Attraction And Get Results

June 26, 2011

By Michael Griffin

What are the steps to using the law of attraction, how can you make it work for you? The steps are simple and quite straightforward yet many people either cannot do them or resist them, not believing that it could be so simple. How about you, can you suspend disbelief enough to give it a chance?

Simply put the law of attraction is rooted in antiquity and in the Bible. Many verses echo it’s principals, for example Phillipians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.

You might also want to check out Proverbs 17:22

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

In scripture after scripture both the old and new testaments echo the law of attraction.

The law of attraction boils down to three simple steps, it is an idea distillation process where the ideas are generated and then refined by writing them down, and finally even further refined or distilled by taking action. In this way the ideas are generated and refined.

Can you see yourself waking up in the life that you absolutely want? Can you see it down to the smallest detail? Can you see thing you do turning out for you, the way you want?

This is actually the first step in the law of attraction, positive imaging, positive expectation that things turn out for you.

This kind of visioning should be done morning and night, about a 10 minute session at each end of the day.

The next step is to write down the ideas that spin off from the visioning. Write them down and if anything is actionable then take action on it. It may be an impression or it may be something concrete to do. In either case do what you can toward it.

The other part of this is to bring it to mind throughout the day. This is not a full visualization but a quick musing over the vision. This keeps it familiar and keeps your mind involved with it throughout the day.

So you put yourself in the picture and see it sensory rich, you see the vivid colors, you feel the textures of the things you put your hands on, you smell the smells, and you immerse yourself in the vision.

See the vision, write it, take action (Habakkuk 2:2). There the law of attraction is simplified. Take it into your life and thinking in that simple form. This is not and need not be complicated. It is a simple thought and a simple process that you need merely take up.

There was a great book written about the law of attraction in 1910 by a man named Wallace Wattles. The book never calls it The Law of Attraction but from the description he gives it is unmistakable that the book is about the law. The book is called “The Science of Getting Rich.”

Wattles gives extreme detail on every aspect of the law and makes it real for you. Now, you can get a free audio book version of ” The Science of Getting Rich.” Just visit http://www.TheRealMikeGriffin.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Griffin



What The Law of Attraction Is Not

June 10, 2011
 Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

I keep reading bad information about the law of attraction in forums. The  writers talk about holding wishful magical thoughts and then sitting back and  waiting for magic to happen. So they claim this is a fraud, that magic doesn’t  happen this way. I would agree that simple wishful thinking this way is a fraud  but it is not the law of attraction.

The law of attraction calls on you to visualize your result, draw ideas about  achieving it from the visualization, and to act on those ideas, and finally to  repeat the loop daily. This is far from just thinking happy magical thoughts of  things. I think if you consider this that it is actually a solid plan for  achievement in any area.

These writers seem to have missed a key point about the law of attraction and  the Science of Getting Rich, action is required. This is very clearly stated in  the movie “The Secret” and in the book The Science of Getting Rich.

One of my favorite quotes from The Science of Getting Rich is: “By thought,  the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it.”

By action you receive it, that means doing something not sitting home and  thinking happy thoughts. The happy thoughts and the thinking about it using  visualization are done to trigger ideas about the action that you need to take  to bring the desired result to you.

This process has been used by Denis Waitley to train Olympic athletes, this  is something he wrote about in his best seller “The psychology of Winning.”  Waitley describes the process even though the term “law of attraction” wasn’t in  vogue when he wrote the book, still he has all of the steps.

The same is true of the book “The Science of Getting Rich.” This book is a  treatise on the law of attraction even though the term is not used even once in  the entire book. Still the steps are clearly laid out as the loop that was  mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Many deride the law of attraction after never having understood it. They grab  onto the idea of happy thoughts and wishful thinking and correctly realize that  doing just this doesn’t work. However they have failed to see the complete  process of the law of attraction, that you spin ideas off of the visualization,  then you act on the ideas. Action, action, action is very clearly called for by  all responsible teachers of the law.

Do the steps and repeat daily and soon results will follow. This is the law  of attraction.

The Science of Getting Rich is the best source of information about the law  of attraction. Get an audiobook download of The Science of Getting Rich at http://www.TheRealMikeGriffin.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Griffin

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6303888

Future Visions, Thoughts Are Things

February 5, 2010

By Michael Griffin

How is your future vision? How well can you see the things that are to happen in your life? Does that sound like a crazy idea?

Napoleon Hill, who was perhaps the greatest success writer of the 20Th century had this to say:

Thoughts are things.

Wayne Dyer, who wrote many success books, put it this way:

You will see it when you believe it.

Wallace Wattles, who wrote “The Science of Getting Rich,” the book behind the movie “The Secret” put it like this:

By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it.

When the mind is open and expecting a thing held in vision it finds new connections and notices things and ideas related to the thing. If you allow your mind to put these ideas and observations together, it will begin to suggest things for you to do. Things that may or may not seem related to the vision. But these things, when integrated this way, will begin to form and bring to you the object of your future vision.

If you want anything — you must first think it. How can we think of the good things we want if our mind is polluted with all the negativity around. Are you a news junkie? Most of what is in the news and on the news channels is what other people want you to think about something that has happened. You don’t need that to overshadow your life. You need to form clear ideas and visions without the interpretation of others. When you create a future vision you must care for it and nurture it while you are bringing it about by holding the vision.

Some have described how this process works using quantum physics. Others relate it to an intelligence in the universe: that the universe contains a thinking substance that produces in kind after the pure thought held in it. Wallace Wattles, quoted above, is one of those who put forth this theory. I don’t think these two theories exclude each other so just take the one that is easiest on your head and begin to play with future vision.

Hold the vision of what you want in your mind with as pure a thought as you can. Practice this morning and night and write the ideas that spin off, write down the plans that come to mind — then act on these things.

Your vision creates the result, your actions bring it into your hands. This is what Wattles is saying.

Whether you have read “The Science of Getting Rich” or not you’ll want to experience it in a new way. You’ll want to experience it as delivered and interpeted by Bob Proctor with some help from Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield. You will learn to use The Science of Getting Rich as your own secret weapon and as your key to success and creation.

I’m Mike Griffin, and I invite you to learn about these success secret weapons by visiting: http://therealmikegriffin.com/sgrp/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Griffin

Life is What Happens to You When You Are Busy Making Other Plans – What Are Your Keys to Success?

August 13, 2009

 By Michael Griffin

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. – John Lennon

What is your life philosophy? What methods do you use as a compass to guide you to success and the things you want in life even when things aren’t going the way that you think they should? The law of attraction tells us to focus and visualize – this causes idea creation and we take action – but what happens then? What if it doesn’t happen just the way you saw it, does that make it a failure?

Submitted for your consideration are what could have been three failures:

  • David McConnell was selling books door to door in 1886, when the business wasn’t so good he started giving perfume out as bonuses to women to get them to buy his books. Finally the perfume was more popular than his books and so he started a company that is known today as Avon.
  • William Wrigley Jr. started a Chicago based company in 1892 selling soap and baking powder. To encourage people to buy his products he began offering chewing gum as a bonus. As with David McConnell – soon Wrigley’s bonus became more popular than the product he was trying to sell. Wrigley changed his company to sell chewing gum and, as they say, the rest is history.
  • Henry Ford had several false starts on his way to being the mega auto maker. In 1901 he started the Henry Ford Company with some partners and Ford served in the capacity as chief engineer. When a consultant was brought in that Ford disagreed with Ford left. The company was renamed Cadillac Automobile Company and, of course, Ford went down the street with new investors and started a new Ford Motor Company where he maintained more control.

The outcome wasn’t what was expected. Are they failures? The bottom line here is that life doesn’t always go the way you suppose or plan using your best vision board and law of attraction secrets – or any other planning method you have.

President Eisenhower said of his planning for D-Day, “The plan is nothing, planning is everything.”

What’s the problem? Go with it… It is still the law of attraction in operation.

Dale Carnegie said, “When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade.”

These guys made lemonade and you can do the same. Look at the results you are getting and figure out what it means. the books weren’t working but perfume was; soap powder didn’t work but the gum did; Henry Ford started two major car companies, one by mistake, because he started a company without the control that he wanted to have.

How do you develop the mind set to see these kinds of possibilities? What are your keys to success?

There was a book written over 100 years ago called “The Science of Getting Rich” that lays out a philosophy and a science. Let me tell you more about it at: http://www.TheRealMikeGriffin.com/sgr.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Griffin